抗癌网 > 侧切缘 Circumferential margin英语短句 例句大全

侧切缘 Circumferential margin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-03 13:22:09


侧切缘 Circumferential margin英语短句 例句大全

侧切缘,Circumferential margin

1)Circumferential margin侧切缘


1.The results from the present investigation suggest that "stop-jump", "stop-redirect","land-forward" are prone to the hurt in the Anterior cruciate ligament.现有的研究表明“急停起跳”,“侧切”和“落地前冲”等动作都是前交叉韧带无接触损伤的高发动作。


1.The muscle and fascial layers are incised lateral to a rectus incision.在腹直肌切口外侧切开肌肉和筋膜层。

2.Temporal lobectomy via the anterolateral approach for treatment of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy前颞叶内侧切除术治疗颞叶内侧型癫痫

3.Effective Comparison between Anterolateral and Posterolateral Surgical Approaches in the Total Hip Arthroplasty;全髋置换术中前外侧切口与后外侧切口的效果比较

4.Logistic Regression Analysis on Risk Factors of Episiotomy Infection会阴侧切切口感染危险因素的Logistic回归分析

5.the cutting of spiral grooves on the inside of the barrel of a firearm.在枪炮管内侧切凿出螺旋形的凹槽。

6.Conclusion It is necessary to treat lateral incisor cross-bite early.结论侧切牙反牙合宜早期进行矫治

7.Cephalometrics analysis of lateral incisor cross-bite in early permanent恒牙初期侧切牙反?的头影测量分析

8.Effect of Rhubarb Glauber"s Salt Treating Maternity Patient after Perineum Lateral Incision大黄芒硝在会阴侧切术后的疗效观察

9.anterolateral cordotomy脊髓前外侧柱切断术

10.posterior extra-peritoneal incision and drainage后侧腹膜外切开流术

11.Esophagectomy and cervical side-to-side stapled esophagogastric anastomosis食管癌切除、颈部食管胃侧侧吻合术(英文)

12.Resection of lateral skull base neoplasms by Mandibular Swing Approach下颌骨切开外旋在侧颅底肿瘤切除术中的应用

13.The lateral vertical cut should be 4 mm lateral to midline.两侧的垂直切口各距离中线约 4mm。

14.The forces in operation have the form of lateral or tangential thrust.作用力的形式是侧向冲断或切向冲断。

15.Minor thenar-hitting is also called “side-hitting” or “cut-beating”.小鱼际击法,又称“侧击法”或“切打法”。

16.Video 1: Transverse plane showing enlarged left ocular bulb protruding out of the orbit.横切面显示左侧眼球增大,从眶内突出。

17.Laparoscopic Hepatic Left Lateral Lobectomy a Report of 15 Cases;腹腔镜下左肝外侧叶切除15例分析

18.Surgical Treatment of Carotid Body Tumor while Absence of Opposite Carotid对侧颈动脉切除后的颈动脉体瘤手术



1.The results from the present investigation suggest that "stop-jump", "stop-redirect","land-forward" are prone to the hurt in the Anterior cruciate ligament.现有的研究表明“急停起跳”,“侧切”和“落地前冲”等动作都是前交叉韧带无接触损伤的高发动作。


1.To investigate the factors affecting the incidence of positive surgical margin in partial laryngecto-my.[目的]探讨影响喉癌部分喉切除术阳性切缘发生的因素。

2.To investigate the factors affecting the survival rate of laryngeal carcinoma and the value of pathological positive margin among the factors.[目的]探讨影响喉癌生存率的因素以及病理学切缘在上述诸多因素中的地位。

4)surgical margin切缘

1.[Purpose] To investigate the mRNA expression of p53, CerbB-2 and EGFR in vary extentsurgical margins of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC).[目的]检测口腔黏膜鳞癌原发灶不同距离外科切缘中p53、CerbB-2、EGFR的表达情况。

5)Lateral sub-incision of internal sphincter plus ligation of both borders次侧方内括约肌切开加双缘结扎术

6)shoulder curb侧缘石

1.According to practical construction sites and raw material controls, checks before operation and in operation, concrete quality controls of curb andshoulder curb, this paper puts forward effective quality control measures and attentions in practical construction to ensure construction qualities and plans.从工程实际出发,对路缘石、侧缘石施工质量的原材料控制、施工前和施工中的检测控制、混凝土质量控制等提出了在实际施工中有效的质量控制措施和注意事项,从而保证了施工质量和进度。



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